The strength ratio γ defined as the uniaxial compressive strength ucs σ c to the tensile strength ranges from 2 7 to 39 for different rock types sheorey 1997. A comparison study deep learning based classification of rock structure of tunnel face tunneling and deep excavations in spatially variable soil and rock masses slope failure incidents and other stability concerns in surface lignite mines in greece some challenges of deep mining. Granite 24 gpa shale 1 6 gpa limestone 24 gpa chalk 3 2 gpa sandstone 0 4 gpa steel 80 gpa wood 4 gpa glass 19 gpa lithostatic pressure gradient 26 46 mpa km for 2 70 hydrostatic pressure gradient 9 8 mpa km unconfined compressive strength granite 100 250 mpa basalt 100 300 mpa quartzite 150 300 mpa sandstone 20 170 mpa.
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